Thursday 24 November 2011

Tutorial 4

This time, we had to do an AON Table out. The above table was based on a group member's WBS , Jeremy's.
I personally find that the AON Table is a very simple table to understand. it's very simple to do to, yet its so tedious to do that a simple table like the above actually required almost half an hour to complete.
Although the AON table looks so simple, i'm amazed by how useful it can actually be! Especially when you are working on a project, process which has lots of steps, stages to complete. It simply tells you the amount of float available for you to complete the project, so that you would never late for the due date for submission. 

Thursday 17 November 2011

Tutorial 3, Week 4

Week 4. We were asked to use the MindMeister program to create a Simple mind map as shown above. MindMeister is a very easy, idiot-proof program to use, it allows us to create a simple mind map like the above one in just a few clicks! Furthermore, you could actually use just a click to bring google images into your mind map, which is totally convenient to use, and simple.

In this Mind Map, I actually split the WBS, Work Breakdown Schedule, into 6 sections, Location, Planning, Work Force, Equipment, Material as well as Permissions.
So in the respective sections,
# 1 Location, i actually talk about determining the ideal spot for the project and actually carrying out some pre-preparations for the project like barricading the work site, putting up warning signs as such.
#2 Planning, I actually talk about determining the cost, and time needed for the whole project, by doing such, we could forecast a budget, as well as time needed to complete the project, hence able to present to the client, in this case our government.
#3 Work force, I actually talk about sourcing for people to become the main work force, people to become managers for the site, Contractors as well as The Main Manager for the project.
#4 Equipment, I actually talk about the equipment needed for the project like Cranes, Bull dozer and Tractors. All these are needed to complete the project as it requires lots of digging of the road.
#5 Materials,I actually talk about sourcing for the ideal material for the project, and carrying out a small scale experiment to find out the potential of the material before starting the project, as this will ensure lesser mistake would be made once the project starts.
#6 Permission, I actually talk about getting the approval from The government of Singapore as well as the Approval of the LTA( Land Transport authority of Singapore) As this project requires big operations to be done on the Road of Singapore.

Lastly, I feel that once i have completed this, it really made clear of what we need for the Project, And hence We could better distribute the work load among the members resulting in a smoother progress and completion of the Project.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Tutorial 2, Week 4

- Estimated duration - 5 Year
- Estimated cost - SGD $10 Million
- Responsibility matrix -
  2 Teams > Road Project Team
               Jeremy (Design), Keith (Materials), Jiale ( Supervisor for FW)
             > Hydro Project Team
               Adrian (Chief Engineer), Zhixiong ( Assitant Engineer)

- Current issues
   > Sponsers
   > Approval from the Govt
   > The availability of suitable materials and technology

- Man power requirements
   > Foreign Workers X one hundred
   > On-site Supervisor

   > Engineers
   > Architecture

- Resources requirement
   > Electronics
   > Mechanics


Sunday 6 November 2011

Week 3 " visualizing the idea!!"

Basically We had two ideas,
First idea,
We would like to integrate some material into the everyday road that we see in Singapore to convert the heat captured in these road into electricity that we could use. This idea is a realistic idea, as the heat that is produced on the road surface by the sun or the friction from the cars's tires is wasted every single day. If our idea is being carried out, I'm sure it is a good way to convert the Wasted heat into something we could use. A good wa of "recycling" our resources. However due to the lack of enough research, our group is having problems figuring out how the whole idea is gonna be done, what is the technology behind it? How much of electricity could we generate with All those wasted heat. How ever, i'm sure. If our group would to discuss further, deeper into this idea, this would be an excellent idea.

Second idea,
We would like to integrate a system which uses our frequency of rainfalls experienced in Singapore. As we all know, all the rainwater that hits the ground of Singapore, will be brought to our "longkao" system, which will ultimately lead to the sea. When this happens, there would be a current, flow of water in the system. Our idea is to make use of this current, this flow, to produce electricity. We would like to introduce a fan-like thing into the water system which the fN-like thing would be connected to a motor, the current, flow of water would help turn this motor which ultimately generate electricity. We are quite sure this idea would work As we already knows how the technology behind this idea works, however more has to be researched on, like what's the frequency of rainfall in Singapore, how much electricity would be generated by this idea and also stuff like how much is the whole idea gonna cost, hence working out if it's worth cRrying out the idea.

Although we already face so much problems in the starting, I would still say, we are still having good progress due to the enthusiastic team mates we are in the group. :)

Week 2 " More pm!! Getting our ideas checked and confirm by other groups."

After finally finalizing our idea, we had a short discussion among the group to make sure everyone had a good concept of the chosen idea.

After doing so, we went to "present" our idea to other groups, getting coments and stuff for our idea so much as to improve it. I was happy that all our team mates have a rough concept of the idea, so that whenevr whoever was directed a question, that particular person would know exactly for to answer back.

Week 1 " back to school !!"

Due to our long period of holiday, we haven't seen most of our class mates for a long time. Hence, although we've known each other for a year and a half now, we still needed time to get use to each other again.

My first though of pm was that the module was pretty boring. Whereby it feels just like all the modules we've studied before, like "ideas" which was thought by Mr.Roy Ang. However, when I attended the first tutorial at t17, it made me think otherwise.

We were told to form into four groups with about 4-5 pax per group. And then we were asked to think of ideas regarding "Recycle and Environment." My group decided to come out with two ideas per pax, so as to have a variety of different ideas to choose from for our finalize idea.

At that time, I thought of a video that I saw once before in "Facebook." it was about a group of people who made a machine to promote recycling of cans.( link= However, my idea was turn down by my group, as there was a better choice of idea provided by my team mate jeremy.