Thursday 2 February 2012


This is the swot analaysis for our project. With the swot analaysis daigram, it would help the project to progress more smoothly.
I.e Strengths- We could partner that together with Opportunities and use that to create more profit.
     Weakness- We could use appropriate measures to try covering our weakness. Converting them to
                        Strengths if possible.
This way, we would be able to increase our output, hence increasing profit.

Strategic Goal 1
Ultimately aim to produce reusable mass energy to sustaintiate future demands.

Strategic Goal 2
In near future, we aim to expand our business plan internationally by laying down the basics of footwork locally.

Summarised report

We have come to an end for Project management. The link below is a link to the group's report that is written in google docs.
A quick summarised version for the report :We have two aspect for our project, First aspect is a project that changes the surface of our singapore road to a surface whereby it can capture heat energy and transfer it to electricity that could be used.
The other aspect has the same goal, whereby we change the drainage system in singapore, using the rainwater that nature gives us, we could convert it into electicity for usauge.
For more info, click the link.

Click here for the group report.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Cost-Benefit Table & Breakeven Table

This is the group's Cost-benfit table. This table helps show and present how each or some of the component in our project benefit the project itself. It helps one sees the importance of each component as well as do the appropriate measures for each component.
As we see the cost-benefit ratio, if the ratio is less than 1, it means the cost is more than benefit, which makes it unworthy to purchase as this ratio is taken from benefit divided by cost.
We also includes a breakeven table, which will show one how much the company got to earn inorder to earn back the money spent in the project, and hence profit from it.
The cost benefit table also showed depreciation per month on certain equipment and project labour. this will allow us to better calculate the benefit it brings after completing the project.

Costing of the Project

We breakdown the costing into four main factors. These are as follows :
Materials can be considered as the most important factor when planning for the project, As said, A war cannot be won without the guns and stuff. Materials to the whole project is as important as the veins to a human.
Equipment Refers to the machinaries used for the project, Example the bull dozers and cranes which will speed up the whole progress of the project.
Labour force
Labour force refers to the workers, the foreign Talents and Foreign workers. Without them, the project would not be progressing smoothly, hence we are hiring 100 workers for this project.
Lastly we have to rent for the location whereby the Project is to be carried out.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Updated AON Table

This is the updated version of the AON table
 taking into the consideration an event P comes right after O. If happened to be that, after event O takes place and time is lacking, P requests for more time. A period of 16 Weeks. ( Adrian)

Risk assessment



The risk assessment helps decrease the possibilities of the possible accidents that may happen during the whole project. These assessment also teaches the workers how to act if such accidents happen.
"Preventing an accident is 100 Times easier than doing the after works of an accident."  

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart. The Gantt Chart is a very powerful tool to help assist the group to make sure the project is completed within time limit. Additional to that, if any of the events got delayed, we could easily calculate the effect on the Latest completion Time.